
You can access all of Pastor Sean's audio sermons, podcast episodes,  and Wednesday night teachings. Most of his messages are expository sermons from a book of the Bible, but he sometimes preaches topical messages on Christian living, marriage and family, evangelism and missions, as well as many other topics. We hope these messages minister the Word to your soul. Be encouraged, challenged, and fed by Biblical preaching.



Date: Jun 16, 2021
Speaker: Sean Cole

Peter, James, and John see Jesus transfigured in all of His majesty glory. The big idea of this passage is this: Followers of Christ must continually listen to Christ. In Luke 9:28-36, (1) we see the glory of the new Exodus (vs. 28-31) (2) we see...


Sean Cole Interviewed by Ben Hansel at Primal Truths YouTube

Date: Jun 07, 2021
Speaker: Sean Cole

A few weeks ago, Sean was invited on Susan Morales's (a Provisionists) YouTube Channel to debate Calvinism. You can watch the original dialogue here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=navTAopg_5I His partner was Ben Hansel of Primal Truths YouTube...


Ephesians 2:1-9 IS FAITH A GIFT?

Date: Jun 02, 2021
Speaker: Sean Cole

In Ephesians 2:1-9, Paul describes total inability and spiritual deadness in graphic terms. He also explains the nature of saving grace whereby God makes us alive in Christ. What exactly does spiritual deadness mean? What is the nature of...

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