
You can access all of Pastor Sean's audio sermons, podcast episodes,  and Wednesday night teachings. Most of his messages are expository sermons from a book of the Bible, but he sometimes preaches topical messages on Christian living, marriage and family, evangelism and missions, as well as many other topics. We hope these messages minister the Word to your soul. Be encouraged, challenged, and fed by Biblical preaching.


What is the Gospel

Date: Aug 18, 2017
Speaker: Sean Cole

What is the Gospel? Walter Marshall gives this wisdom: “That we may receive life and strength whereby we are enabled for immediate performance, we must meditate believing on Christ’s saving benefits, as they are discovered in the gospel.” Would...


How Does God CONVERT a Sinner?

Date: Aug 17, 2017
Speaker: Sean Cole

How does God convert a sinner? Is there a preparatory work that needs to be done in order for a lost person to come to Christ? What role does the Holy Spirit play in effectual calling? Sovereign regeneration? Are repentance and faith actual gifts...


The "Unpopular" Gospel

Date: Aug 14, 2017
Speaker: James Washer

This is an excellent 29 minute presentation of the gospel. One of the best I've heard in a long time. If you're not a believer in Jesus, please take the time to consider listening to this. It will explain Christianity, the gospel, and how you...

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