
You can access all of Pastor Sean's audio sermons, podcast episodes,  and Wednesday night teachings. Most of his messages are expository sermons from a book of the Bible, but he sometimes preaches topical messages on Christian living, marriage and family, evangelism and missions, as well as many other topics. We hope these messages minister the Word to your soul. Be encouraged, challenged, and fed by Biblical preaching.


John 1:1-2

Date: Jan 10, 2016
Speaker: Sean Cole

Pastor Sean starts the Gospel of John. In 1:1-2 we see three theological truths about Jesus. In an age of spiritual confusion, you must know the true Jesus of the Bible in order to love and serve Him properly. Jesus has always existed as...


Hebrews 10:26-39

Date: Jan 07, 2016
Speaker: Sean Cole

This section gives a strong warning against apostasy and an enouragment to endure with persevering faith.www.seancole.net


Nahum: The Lord Will End All Evil

Date: Jan 03, 2016
Speaker: Sean Cole

Pastor Sean's New Year's sermon from the book of Nahum shows how God has the sovereign right to destroy His enemies and save His people. The Lord will put an end to all evil and in this we can rejoice in hope for 2016.

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