
You can access all of Pastor Sean's audio sermons, podcast episodes,  and Wednesday night teachings. Most of his messages are expository sermons from a book of the Bible, but he sometimes preaches topical messages on Christian living, marriage and family, evangelism and missions, as well as many other topics. We hope these messages minister the Word to your soul. Be encouraged, challenged, and fed by Biblical preaching.


Who Alone Gets the Glory? JUDGES 4

Date: Nov 21, 2023
Speaker: Sean Cole

You can purchase Sean's new book from G3 Press called 40 Days in Philippians: Finding Joy in Jesus here: https://g3min.org/product/40-days-in-philippians-finding-joy-in-jesus-sean-cole/ God alone gets the glory in salvation, even through the...


DANIEL 9:1-19

Date: Nov 16, 2023
Speaker: Sean Cole

We see a recorded prayer from Daniel to the living God, which gives us a powerful template or example of how we should pray. We see Daniel's attitude in prayer and then three aspects of the prayer itself: Adoration, Confession, and Petition. And...


Assassinating the Sin of Idolatry JUDGES 3:12-30

Date: Nov 16, 2023
Speaker: Sean Cole

The following Judge after Othniel is Ehud, from the tribe of Benjamin. This section is comical, contains some PG-13 humor, and will leave us scratching our heads about God’s plan to save Israel from its enemies. Here is this passage of...

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What is Blasphemy Against the Holy Spirit? LUKE 12:10

Date: Nov 17, 2021

PHILIPPIANS 3:12-21 and 4:1

Date: Nov 15, 2021

Confessing Christ with Confidence LUKE 12:8-12

Date: Nov 07, 2021

PHILIPPIANS 2:19-30 and 3:1-11

Date: Nov 04, 2021

Luke 11, Bad Eyes, and the PROVISIONISM Predicament

Date: Nov 03, 2021


Date: Oct 31, 2021

What Does it Mean to FEAR God? LUKE 12:1-7

Date: Oct 31, 2021

WOE is ME! LUKE 11:45-54

Date: Oct 24, 2021


Date: Oct 21, 2021

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