
You can access all of Pastor Sean's audio sermons, podcast episodes,  and Wednesday night teachings. Most of his messages are expository sermons from a book of the Bible, but he sometimes preaches topical messages on Christian living, marriage and family, evangelism and missions, as well as many other topics. We hope these messages minister the Word to your soul. Be encouraged, challenged, and fed by Biblical preaching.


Equipped for 2024 HEBREWS 13:20-21

Date: Jan 01, 2024
Speaker: Sean Cole

Begin the new year with Sean's new book, 40 Days in Philippians: Finding Joy in Jesus. You can purchase it from the G3 website...



Date: Dec 30, 2023
Speaker: Sean Cole

In this final chapter, we see two groups of people. You are either a Christian who has been saved by grace, or you are a non-Christian who lives in rebellion against God. There is no in-between group of people. This is a discussion about the...



Date: Dec 27, 2023
Speaker: Sean Cole

Begin the new year with Sean's new book, 40 Days in Philippians: Finding Joy in Jesus. You can purchase it from the G3 website...

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Lame Excuses? Luke 14:12-24

Date: Mar 14, 2022

    Humility or Humiliation LUKE 14:1-11

    Date: Mar 06, 2022

    2 SAMUEL 5 Life of David

    Date: Mar 03, 2022

    What About FREE WILL? Luke 13:31-35

    Date: Feb 28, 2022

    Provisionist Proof Texts for Resistible Grace

    Date: Feb 25, 2022

    1 SAMUEL 24 and 26 Decision Making Life of David Series

    Date: Feb 25, 2022

    Narrow is the Way of Salvation LUKE 13:22-30

    Date: Feb 21, 2022

    1 Samuel 23/Psalm 54 Life of David Series

    Date: Feb 17, 2022

    An Interaction with Gabriel Hughes/Leighton Flowers John 6:44 Debate

    Date: Feb 14, 2022

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