
You can access all of Pastor Sean's audio sermons, podcast episodes,  and Wednesday night teachings. Most of his messages are expository sermons from a book of the Bible, but he sometimes preaches topical messages on Christian living, marriage and family, evangelism and missions, as well as many other topics. We hope these messages minister the Word to your soul. Be encouraged, challenged, and fed by Biblical preaching.


The Doctrine of ADOPTION

Date: Feb 05, 2023
Speaker: Sean Cole

Dr. Sean Cole continues the Wednesday night teaching on the order of salvation. Why is being adopted into God's family as a child one of the greatest privileges of our salvation? How is adoption related to justification? What are the blessings...


Slow Hearts? or.. Burning Hearts? LUKE 24:13-32

Date: Feb 05, 2023
Speaker: Sean Cole

On the road to Emmaus, Jesus does something tremendous! Instead of pointing these two followers to the empty tomb, He instead, points them to the Old Testament. Jesus proclaims and explains that the Old Testament Scriptures are all about...


Justification by Faith Alone (Sola Fide)

Date: Jan 29, 2023
Speaker: Sean Cole

Pastor Sean continues the teaching series on the Order of Salvation. In this session, he explains the key doctrine of justification by faith alone. How are you right with a holy God? What is imputed righteousness? What are the benefits of knowing...

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The Power and Glory of Salvation EXODUS 14:15-31

Date: Feb 19, 2019

Who's In Charge of Your Life Story? Exodus 13:17-14:14

Date: Feb 10, 2019

Revelation 20 Comparison of three Millennial Views

Date: Feb 07, 2019

Revelation 19

Date: Feb 07, 2019

The Passover's Parallels to the Lord's Supper EXODUS 12

Date: Feb 05, 2019

A Critical Review of "Determined to Believe?" by John Lennox

Date: Jan 24, 2019

Revelation 17 and 18

Date: Jan 23, 2019

Revelation 15 and 16

Date: Jan 18, 2019

Dreadful Darkness ... Marvelous Light Exodus 10:21-29

Date: Jan 13, 2019

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