
You can access all of Pastor Sean's audio sermons, podcast episodes,  and Wednesday night teachings. Most of his messages are expository sermons from a book of the Bible, but he sometimes preaches topical messages on Christian living, marriage and family, evangelism and missions, as well as many other topics. We hope these messages minister the Word to your soul. Be encouraged, challenged, and fed by Biblical preaching.


2 Samuel 7 Guilt, Grace, and Gratitude

Date: Apr 01, 2022
Speaker: Sean Cole

In 2 Samuel 7, we see the Davidic Covenant. David wants to build God a house, but God flips the script and promises to build David an eternal "house" or dynasty. The Heidelberg Catechism expressses our faith in three phases: Guilt, Grace...


Heaven Throws a Party! LUKE 15:1-32

Date: Mar 28, 2022
Speaker: Sean Cole

The Pharisees grumbled that Jesus received or welcomed the prostitutes and tax collectors. Jesus tells three parables about something being lost, then found, followed by a party. How do the 3 parables of the lost sheep, the lost coin, and the...


2 SAMUEL 6 Life of David Series

Date: Mar 24, 2022
Speaker: Sean Cole

When the Ark of the Covenant is returned to Jerusalem, the Lord's anger breaks out against Uzzah. In 2 Samuel 6, we see two key issues: (1) Are you worshiping the right God? (2) Are you worshiping the right God in the right way? This...

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Philippians 3:1-11

Date: Feb 23, 2017

John 13:1-17 Serve Others with Humility

Date: Feb 19, 2017

Philippians 2:12-18 (2)

Date: Feb 16, 2017

Do Calvinists Present a "Dishonest" Gospel Presentation?

Date: Feb 13, 2017

What is COMPATIBILISM and is it Biblical or Unorthodox?

Date: Feb 10, 2017

Philippians 2:1-11 (2)

Date: Feb 09, 2017

The SHACK Review--A Dangerous Book and Movie

Date: Feb 06, 2017

A Godly Person Treasures Christ

Date: Feb 05, 2017

What Does it Mean to "Fear the Lord?"

Date: Jan 30, 2017

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