
You can access all of Pastor Sean's audio sermons, podcast episodes,  and Wednesday night teachings. Most of his messages are expository sermons from a book of the Bible, but he sometimes preaches topical messages on Christian living, marriage and family, evangelism and missions, as well as many other topics. We hope these messages minister the Word to your soul. Be encouraged, challenged, and fed by Biblical preaching.


How Will You Respond to the Second Coming? LUKE 21:20-28

Date: Sep 28, 2022
Speaker: Sean Cole

Jesus continues His final public discourse before His death. He is in the temple teaching on the destruction of Jerusalem and His Second Coming. Dr. Sean Cole explains two primary truths from this text: (1) God gives people time to repent...


Two Dangerous Threats LUKE 21:5-19

Date: Sep 18, 2022
Speaker: Sean Cole

Jesus warns His disciples of the destruction of Jerusalem which would take place in A.D. 70. This catacylsmic event serves as a precursor or prototype of what will happen at the end of the age when Jesus comes back. From this passage, Jesus gives...


The Baptist Catechism and God's Sovereign DECREE

Date: Sep 16, 2022
Speaker: Sean Cole

Dr. Sean Cole has recently heard many non-Calvinists make these assertions: God ordains SOME things but not ALL things that come to pass. Just because God ordained the death of Christ, does not mean He ordains ALL things that come to pass. There...

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How Do You Handle Failure? John 21:1-14

Date: Feb 06, 2018

John 20:24-31 My Lord and My God!

Date: Jan 28, 2018

Martyn Lloyd-Jones--Logic on Fire!

Date: Jan 25, 2018

Judges 6-8 Gideon

Date: Jan 24, 2018

Judges 4 and 5 Deborah and Barak

Date: Jan 24, 2018

Mission Impossible! John 20:19-23

Date: Jan 23, 2018

John 20:1-18 Grab on To Jesus!

Date: Jan 14, 2018

The Influence of John Owen

Date: Jan 11, 2018

Judges Chapter 3

Date: Jan 11, 2018

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