
You can access all of Pastor Sean's audio sermons, podcast episodes,  and Wednesday night teachings. Most of his messages are expository sermons from a book of the Bible, but he sometimes preaches topical messages on Christian living, marriage and family, evangelism and missions, as well as many other topics. We hope these messages minister the Word to your soul. Be encouraged, challenged, and fed by Biblical preaching.


The Only Way to True Peace LUKE 19:28-44

Date: Jul 24, 2022
Speaker: Sean Cole

Jesus finally enters Jerusalem on Palm Sunday in His triumphal entry. King Jesus is the only way to experience true peace with God. He has supernatural knowledge of all things. He is worth of our joyous worship. He has compassion on helpless...


Are You a Good and Faithful Servant? LUKE 19:11-127

Date: Jul 22, 2022
Speaker: Sean Cole

In this passage, Jesus addresses a misconception about the immediacy of the coming of His Kingdom by telling the parable of the ten minas. We do not know exactly when Jesus will return, but He will come on the clouds in power and glory one...


The Mission of Christ and a Wee LIttle Man LUKE 19:1-10

Date: Jul 12, 2022
Speaker: Sean Cole

in the narrative with Zacchaeus, we see the sovereignty of God in salvation as Jesus came to seek and save the lost.. God often prepares hearts by creating a spiritual curiosity. Also, Jesus sovereignly and effectually calls sinners to...

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The Sixth Commandment

Date: Oct 18, 2017

The Fifth Commandment

Date: Oct 05, 2017

Is Church Membership Biblical? Or "Why Should I Join a Church?"

Date: Oct 05, 2017

Women's Conference Emmanuel Baptist Church

Date: Oct 02, 2017

What is Eternal Life? John 17:3-4

Date: Oct 01, 2017

The Difference between the External and Internal Call and Matthew 22:1-14

Date: Sep 29, 2017

The Fourth Commandment

Date: Sep 28, 2017

Comfort and Confidence in God's Sovereign Election John 17:2

Date: Sep 24, 2017

The Third Commandment

Date: Sep 21, 2017

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